Thursday 13 February 2020

Talha Asghar Feature English BS- 153

ok, though not reporting based.

                       My First Trip To Dubai
                     Feature By Talha Asghar
[From the childhood, I always wants to travel a lot specially internationally and explore some new adventure because i always wanted to do some adventurous. So, this is extra] last year suddenly my father decided a trip to Dubai for attending Gulf food festival. I had visited Saudi Arabia 3 times before but travelling to Dubai feels like my dream comes true because travelling to Dubai is something which i always dreaming.
Dubai International Airport is one of the most beautiful and busiest airport in the world. The view of the airport was pleasant to the eye. When I reached there I saw different rules around cab system. If you are with your family so they will provide you cabs with lady drivers and female family member should be on front seat which is really appreciated that women are earning through the equal way as men.
Next morning I go to Dubai Expo Centre for attending Gulf food festival’s opening, Gulf Food is known as the city of business. People trade their goods and import export their goods as well. One of the best thing about my visit was there was a whole street categorized in portions and mentioned as different countries. Every single portion of particular country were providing their goods on different stalls. Many stalls were offering free testing to sell their products. I tried almost every country's stall and they were so polite. Many stalls gave me lots of free stuff to promote their brand.
Luckily on that time Pakistan Super League’s opening was also held at Dubai International Stadium and I am a very big fan of cricket, So I just book a ticket of opening ceremony and I enjoyed a lot because there was an performance of Abida Praveen and Ali Zafar and also a performance of international artist Jason Derulo and other reason was that I never seen a cricket match live in cricket stadium before. It was a great experience to watch international players live.
Next morning I decided to go out for discovering the new city because I always heard a lot about the Dubai’s tourist spots like desert safari, Burj ul Arab, Burj Khalifa and now I got a chance to go and visit by my self. So I gets the best package of Desert Safari, it was a great adventure for me because of the dangerous driving skills on hilly sand. Then we go to the place where they offered some great food and drinks. After the sunset the program was started. There was a lots of exciting performance of fireworks and tanoura dance and for the first time in my life i saw a belly dance which was so awful for me.
On next day, I planned for the whole Dubai tour where I went to Dubai museum and then I visited Dubai Gold Souk Market then I visited Jumeirah beach for experience Burj ul Arab with my own eyes. Then I went to Atlantis hotel which gave a great pleasure to my eyes and I click lots of photos there. And then I move to the great Dubai mall not for shopping but for visiting and opposite to the Dubai mall there is a Burj Khalifa located. I took a lots of selfies with Burj Khalifa and there is also a famous Dancing Fountain which moves on a song. Experiencing the dancing fountain and Burj Khalifa is one of the best moment in my life.
Next day, I came back to Pakistan with lots of memories and adventure with a lots of photos which I always get saved.

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