Friday, 14 February 2020

Sarang Laghari Feature English Revised 134

Chitori Graveyard A Historical Place Of Mirpurkhas 
                                          Sarang Laghari 
Graveyards are the places from where we should learn lesson but these places are also full of history. So I also decided to go to Chitori graveyard with my friend. As we were new so we asked the direction from some people to that graveyard during our journey, we reached there almost in half an hour. When we were near to the graveyard we saw some beautiful tombs. Some men were siting in a hall we greeted them and asked them if someone  guide us to visit that graveyard so one of the caretaker came with us whose name was Nazar Muhammad Lahooti. Before telling about our visit to that graveyard I must include the direction and distance for the new visitors like us. It was almost 14 miles away from Mirpurkhas on Khipro road and the roads were smooth so it's very easy for the Vlogers and researchers to reach there.
First thing we asked from Nazar Muhammad was, why that graveyard was named as Chitori, he said it was named because of the lithography on the stones of the tombs. Interesting thing was the stones of which the tombs were made being brought out from India by the Talpurs. The graveyard was still in good condition. Even the color of the stone was in same condition as it was being brought out hundreds of years ago.
Coincidently during our visit great scholar and researcher Khaleel Khoso also arrived there, it was good to have Khaleel Khoso along with caretaker who had done a lot of research work on that graveyard. Khaleel Khoso told us that the graveyard was founded in 1785AD and he also told us an interesting story behind the foundation of the graveyard. Hundreds of years ago three friends named as Mir Masoo Khan, Dio Faqeer Lanjwani and Pir Noorshah Qureshi went for hunting and saw there a big empty field and decided that their graveyard would be there and today that graveyard is known as Chitori. First person who was buried there was Mir Masoo Khan and after that his both friends Dio Faqeer and Pir Noorshah Qureshi was also buried there. In a short period of time it became big and famous graveyard of Sindh. We asked about the area of the graveyard and caretaker told us that it is about 35 to 40 acres.
We visited the tombs of famous personalities like, Mir Fateh Khan, Mir Allahyar Khan, Mir Tharo Khan, Mir Ali Murad Khan and Bheero Khan Khokhar. I was shocked when Khaleel Khoso said that Khan Sahib Deen Muhammad the father of former prime minister of Pakistan Khan Muhammad Junejo is also buried there. According to some statements, Ghaman Khan Korai who was famous for his habit of telling truth and his nick name was Gamoon Sachaar is also buried there. That graveyard belongs to Talpurs because people of that cast are buried there in majority but many other cast of people are also buried there.
    Nazar Muhammad Lahooti said that this graveyard is under the heritage department, I think he was right because there were two watchmen who are paid by the government. According to Nazar Muhammad, some years ago graveyard's repairment is also done as per need and surrounding wall and a beautiful mosque is also made. The graveyard is also looked after by the Talpurs because it mostly belongs to them. Caretaker told us that foreigners also come to visit, actually we did not believe it but when we were still there, some foreigners came and they wanted to know the history and they also took Photos of beautiful tombs.
I think Pakistani as well as foreign people come to visit that graveyard because of the history of the graveyard, lithography on the tombs, silence and peace and attractive environment which includes pleasant evening, cool breeze, chirp of the birds.So it is our duty to protect these historical places and their environment.

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What is its condition today? How it is being looked after? I do not thin its under Heritage department 
This all is in history, we do not need history, which is already there, what u are adding in the knowledge box? Some new angle, aspect, information. Talk to related people. Might be some related stories. make it reporting based, observation, talk with people
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The Chitori Graveyard A Historical Place Of Mirpurkhas
                                           Sarang Laghari
Graveyards are the places from where we should learn lesson but these places are also full of history. There are many old and historical graveyards in Sindh, all of these have their own value just like, some are famous because of their area, some are famous because they are old and some are famous because of both these things. One of those famous graveyards is ''Chitori graveyard'' a historical place of  Mirpurkhas. It was named Chitori because of the lithography on the stones of the tombs. This graveyard mostly belongs to the Talpurs because people of that community are buried there in majority.This the second biggest graveyard of Sindh.I would like to tell the direction and the distance for the new visitors, it is 14 miles away from Mirpurkhas on the Khipro road and the roads are clear and very smooth so it's easy for researchers and vlogers to visit that historical place.

There is no clear evidence that how old that graveyard is, because in different books there are different statements about the date. According to a book named as ''Tareekh-e-Sindh written by Haji Mir Muhammad Bux Talpur, this graveyard's foundation year is 1754 AD but according to a scholar and researcher Khaleel Khoso this graveyard was founded in 1785 AD. It's area is about 35 to 40 acres and the interesting thing is the stone by which the tombs are made is being brought out from India by the Talpurs and color of that stone is yellow and it is in same condition as it was brought out hundreds of years ago. The graveyard is under the department of Asare Qadeema and according to caretaker of that graveyard Nazar Muhammad Lahooti, some years ago graveyard's tombs were repaired as per need and surrounding wall and a beautiful mosque is also made there.

There is an interesting story behind the formation of that graveyard, hundreds of years ago three friends named as Diyo Faqeer Lanjwani, Pir Noorshah Qureshi and Mir Masoo Khan went for hunting and they saw an empity field there and they all decided that their graveyard would be there and after the death  Mir Masoo Khan was the first person who was buried there and after that his both friends were also buried there and in a short period of time it was a big and famous graveyard of Sindh.
According to Khaleel Khoso other then Talpurs, many casts of people are entombed in that graveyard like, Jarwar, Junejo, Lanjwani, Sayed, Narejo, Mari, Khokhar, Kapri and many more.
Cities of Sindh like, Mirpurkhas, Tando Allahyar, Mirpur Mathelo are named after those Talpurs which are buried in that graveyard. According to a book written by Maher Kachelvi named as ''Tareekh-e-Tharparkar'', famous personalities buried there are Mir Masoo Khan Talpur, Mir Jado Khan, Mir Fateh Khan, Mir Allahyar Khan, Bheerho Khan Khokhar, Mir Tharo Khan, Mir Ali Murad Khan and Khan Sahab Deen Muhammad Junejo the father of former prime minister of Pakistan Muhammad Khan Junejo is also buried there. Mir Sarwar Khan the only son of Mir Munwar who suicided is buried there and another famous personality Ghaman Khan Korai who never lied in his whole life and because of his habit of telling truth his nick name was Gamoon Sachaar is also buried there.
Because of the lithography on the tombs, silence and peace and history of that graveyard not only Pakistani but foreign people also come to visit the Chitori graveyard.

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