Monday, 27 January 2020

Aqsa Khan- BS 29 English Article

Seems ok 
Threat’s Of Population Growth.
Social values and unawareness are root cause
Aqsa Khan
Is there dire need to control the population?
Is over population a threat to our country?
Overpopulation is one of the main drawbacks of Pakistan. We all are aware from the threats of increased population in Pakistan, but the question arises that how the laws for it can be executed and how can we change the mind-set of people? Pakistan’s growth rate currently was predict to be 120 million in 1947 but it is 220 million now, which is a big warning for the future of Pakistan. According to US census bureau, Pakistan is on 5th populous country with growing population of 212.7 million.
There are many reasons behind the rapid growth in population, but the reason behind it is that people don’t know the problems which can be caused because of growing population; they are unaware of the surroundings and issues related to the country.
The common reason of it is lack of awareness and education, as people are poor and they can’t have education. So, either they don’t have education or they are not aware of the problems of overpopulation.
Many citizens of Pakistan think that, if they have more family members, they can earn more and support each other financially and emotionally.
With speedy technological advancement in the science and fertility treatment those who can’t have child go for this treatment and because of the side-effects and effective medicines, they are able to conceive rapidly and it leads to rise in the over population.
 Many of the people in Pakistan are not educated, so they don’t have knowledge about anything related to family planning or they get their children married in a very young age because of backward mind-set, so automatically the birth ratio increases.
In Pakistan, as a Muslim country, it is a strong belief to expand one’s family from a religious point of view; they think that it is in Islam to increase one’s family. From a recent report a man from Quetta had 50+ children from 3 wives and was further planning to enlarge his family.
 The rich countries continue to take advantage of resources at very reasonable rates and on the other hand we are in mess, the water is only 1% fresh as the growing population is making it impossible for fresh water to stand and many other resources are unavailable for sustainable life, it is also causing problem to the local land as the artificial system for food growth is dangerous.
The chances of infections and diseases spreading are more because of increased population people are living at a very near distance and have a chance to get infected instantly.
The population is also a reason in climate change as the large amount of people cause large dirt and execration in the surrounding, 97% of scientific community says that humans are responsible for changes in climate.
To stop the rapid increase in growth, and control the population; it is important to educated people from a young age about family planning, over population and why is it important to control the growth.
It is on Government and private organization to form policies, and start awareness campaign to educate and discuss why it is important to control over population.
The birth control-methods and pills should be in every area, both men and women over there should be educated about the ways to control the births and usage of it.
Adoption should be one of the ways to control the population and help the needy as the couples who can’t have child, should adopt one except going for the expensive medical treatment. It will help with the child and the overpopulation, as the child would have a home and parenting figure to look after him.

Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi, at Institute of Media & Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan

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