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By Yahya Ali
BS part lll - 2k17/MC/160
“Give a man a fish and you feed him
for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”
someone a skill that can be helpful for him his entire life is a debt that can
not be payed back. Teachers whatsoever teaches is one of the greatest
contributions he can make for society. He teaches them to convert pressure into
motivation and to be able to face any matter comes to their life. We learn
through them not to give up and move on no matter what. They listen to us when
we are in trouble, guide us to the right path. They believe in us more than we do.
Their sacrifice and patience inspire and encourage us to be a successful person.
Teachers use themselves as bridges for students to cross to the other side.
16/oct/1953 A
great teacher was born. Who despite of poverty and tough situations in his life
he never throw in the towel.
When he
turned 5 years old got his admission in the primary school.In 1964 he went to
the Pilot school and got his matric certificate. He left school due to lack of money.
His parents passed away at his young age even though he was struggling to
achieve his goal. He worked for 5 years so that he could pay for his admission
in college.
In 1972 he got the 2nd position in board examinations. He
still got financial problems so he had to work again to get his bachelor’s degree
of B.AD from Sindh University Hyderabad.
passing intermediate he qualified the test of HST and became a government
servant,even his age was 3 months less than 18 years old so he was not able to being
a government servant for the purpose of the age. So he left his duty. He was
desperate hopeless but still was struggling One day he was working in a shop
and a person came and that person was the director if education department. He
knew that he was posted a teacher he asked him the problem of his leaving his
duty,he told him everything then the man was a blessing sent to him by God,so
he again was posted as a teacher at Thatta. At that time he was able to to be a government servant. Because
then he turned 18 years old.
performing his job he still wanted to qualify the CSS examination so he worked hard
day and night in order to achieve his aim of his life. He tried not only once,
twice but also thrice and at the 3rd time he qualified the test,but
unfortunately he couldn’t become a CSS officer due to an unknown reason.
After that he
got posted in Dadu city and got retired in 2013 at the age of 60 years old. He
did not sit at home after his retirement he thought to open an English grammar
center to teach the new coming generation. He now has a great experience in
teaching. So many students are officers in several departments In different
cities and also in Pakistan some students achieved their goals in life they
says that sir Azhar has a great way of teaching and making students motivated
to work hard for their goals in life.they also said that sir Azhar says “if any
thing stopping you from reaching your goals it will be you only you” they also
said that where we are now in this position it’s only because of this great
personality Sir Azhar Hussein Charan.
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